Tuesday, June 19, 2012

San Miguel Olive Farm travels to Mission San Miguel

 Mission San Miguel (San Miguel Olive Farm - Olive Oil) 

  Olive press at Mission San Miguel with a bottle of San Miguel Olive Farm EVOO
Remember to  keep your oil in a dark cool place for a longer shelf life and good flavor

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San Miguel Olive Farm where our olives dance on the trees at midnight under the stars.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Stunning, Beautiful & Ours!

Many weeks ago, a friend from years gone by, agreed to use his artistic talent to create a sign for the gate that leads to our SAN MIGUEL OLIVE FARM. On Sunday, it was "unveiled." We approached slowly, excited to finally see the results of his labor. We were thrilled with all we saw. Amazing detail that perfectly captured the feel of our family farm.

We thank Brent, and his wife, Sheila, for how they worked as a team to give us exactly what we had wanted.

We not only savor our oil, but enjoy completely, our friendships!

Richard & Myrna
San Miguel Olive Farm

Friday, June 1, 2012

The Olives Are Coming, The Olives Are Coming!!

We have been eagerly awaiting this day! The month of May was full of changes on our beautiful trees.

 First we had the tiny buds appearing.

A week later, flowers appeared.

The last day of May, tiny olives were seen!!!

These are our potential harvest for 2012 :)

While all this has been happening, we have been busy irrigating, adding emitters to the now larger trees, and removing any suckers at the bottom of the trunks.

We continue to feel so fortunate to be learning something so special...how to grow olive trees and produce a fine product.  SAN MIGUEL OLIVE FARM EVOO!

Savor with us!
Richard & Myrna